Thursday, 9 August 2012

Reflective essay on -spring☆

When we see the video or movie, we learn some lessons. And one video named "Spring, summer, fall and winter" tries to tell people that when person done something cruel not with good mind, but it can bring unexpected and bad results. And I will tell my thinking about " Spring , summer, fall and winter". 

In the video young monk catches fish, frog and snake and make them hard when they move. And before young monk does that, he had to think at fish, frog and snake's positions first. Like young monk had to think of that creatures 's feelings when young monk tie with rope. So I think this video also try to tell to people that before people do something they have to think of others and consequences that can happen. Think before will help people not to get in trouble or face bad situation. When little monk tie the rope to creatures, old monk was always behind the little monk. And this situation means there is always person or thing that chose you to look what you are doing. In real society, there are people like old monk and naturally there is always more big people who are in charge of you. People have to know this. Also, when I was young I think there's no people who are stronger than me or can control me. So I did the thing that is not so good, but there were people who always watched me and controlled or fixed my faults. Parents and teachers. My parents told me something that I had done wrong and told ways to fix my faults , and teachers also taught me how to solve the problems, the way how to face difficult and hard situation. By getting those advice , I try to understand other people's minds and trying to guess what happen will occur next when I act selfish.

 In conclusion, in this video old monk tied the rock on young monk's back but here I think old monk was little bit mean. Old monk was able to stop young monk when he saw young monk was trying to tie creatures or just tell don't do that. And I think this video want to tell people like 'Understanding people's minds, realize what is your faults. By watching this video again, I will try to fix my faults and understand other's minds, more. 


  1. You make very valid points with your essay. I think it would be better if you provide specific anecdotes instead of general ones to back up your case. Your tone is honest and reflective, and I like that. Good work!

  2. Good job. Remember to point the examples you are given in the body of the essay in separete paragraphs.
